FROMJOHN.TXT Sun 05-01-1994 23:12:29 ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³LHA_ZIP.BAT³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ The major program in this file set is a batch file called LHA_ZIP.BAT. Run it from the Command line as: LHA_ZIP /? to read the help file. If you run it as: LHA_ZIP it will sniff =every= *.EXE file in the directory it is in and place any files it finds into two text files (see below) depending on whether it thinks they are LHA.EXE or PKZIP.EXE made Self Extracting *.EXE files. If you type: LHA_ZIP A* it will check every *.EXE file that begins with "A" and log the information into the two text files. Before you chuckle and smirk saying, "It's only a batch file" you'd better run it once. It's very fast and useful. Watch how it sorts and stores all the information on your hundreds of Self Extracting Files made with LHA.EXE and/or PKZIP.EXE. I made LHA_ZIP.BAT out of my own desperate need to find out what is the hundreds of *.EXE files that I have downloaded and stored on my hard drive. Files with weird names that I haven't the foggiest idea what is in them! You can use LHA_ZIP.BAT to either check one letter of the alphabet for *.EXE files or =ALL= files. LHA_ZIP.BAT makes two (2) text files and puts a header, the date and time in them: 1. LHA_LIST.TXT 2. ZIP_LIST.TXT Caveat lector (reader beware) You must have three (3) other files in the =same directory= to run LHA_ZIP.BAT! They are: 1. ENTER.DAT <--- In this file set 2. PKUNZIP.EXE <--- Download this if necessary 3. LHA.EXE <--- Download this if necessary ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ISLHA.BAT³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ The batch file ISLHA.BAT is very interesting as it uses the LHA.EXE Errorlevels (Exit Code) to determine if a *.EXE file is a LHA.EXE made Self Extracting File. Stores that information in ISLHA.TXT. You must have LHA.EXE in the same directory to use ISLHA.BAT. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³STEP.BAT³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ The greatest batch file testing advance in many moons came with a command included in DOS 6.2. STEP.BAT will not run without DOS 6.2 or higher. STEP.BAT allows you to "step" a batch file command by command to see exactly how it works. If you want to explore the nitty-gritty guts of a batch file, use STEP.BAT. Use it with LHA_ZIP.BAT. Even if you are a Power User, you can learn much by using STEP.BAT... John De Palma on CompuServe 76076,571